Corporate Towbars
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upon request
These towbars are used for many FBO applications because the head is interchangeable (multi-head) and partly suitable for transport due to the low weight and division of the length. Typical applications:
Aircraft procedures
Compatible with other manufacturers
100% maintenance-free use
Fast service through local warehouse
GII-G650ER (Gulfstream, GII, GIII, GIV, GV, G650, G650ER, C-37, C-20)
JX Multi-Head, 125,000 Ibs.
TB1 Fly-Away 2-Piece Multi-Head, 60,000 Ibs.
TB1 Multi-Head. 60,000 Ibs.
TB125 Multi-Head, 125,000 Ibs.
TB125-10 FlyAway Portable Aluminum
TB125-15 15-Foot Mulite-Head, 125,000 Ibs.
TB125-15-SP 15-Foot Split Multi-Head, 125,000 Ibs.
TB125-5 5-Foot Multi-Head, 125,000 Ibs.
PIL-1 Two-Piece Pilatus PC12 (U-28A)
We also supply our tow bars in different versions for the special aircraft or helicopter type. You can choose between dedicated rods or those with interchangeable heads (multi-heads) and couplings. Our towbars with intelligent technology are used at airports for regional, military, narrow-body and wide-body aircraft, FBO, MRO and general aviation applications worldwide.